Aloha Bright Lights
Let's Open to Divine Love
- Let's Dive into a Sacred Space of Magic Together
Your New Love Frequency Awaits
Expand Your Authenticity, Joy, Creativity, & SuperPowers
". . . she is not only an adept in her craft but inherently a maverick catalyst for awakening . . ."
Birth a New YOU
"Love is our greatest superpower, Love and forgiveness are the keys to being free."
-- Jennifer Mattox
"Deep knowing transcends all belief." -- Jennifer Mattox
"It's all and only ever love." -- Jennifer Mattox
". . . I was in the darkest place possibly ever…lost, alone, confused…her awareness of thought patterns and how to break down old patterns of thinking and create new ones helped me immeasurably . . ."
LIVE and LOVE in
JOY, FUN & PLAY Every Day!
...and Embrace Greater Freedom
Be inspired to FEEL more LOVE and more FREEDOM and live in JOY, FUN & PLAY every day by connecting to more of your TRUE SELF.
We ATTUNE, ACTIVATE, and BIRTH the NEW EARTH version of you that your Higher Self blesses - a multidimensional you, encoded with new templates that are generated in the quantum field so that you connect to your original blueprint - divine design and remember your gifts.
I serve as a direct channel to the elemental and celestial realm to BRIDGE the magic of who you are and bring discernment and recognition to your remembrance and knowing.
Energy, information, sound, color, and light from the lens of the metaphysical realm and quantum field assist you in the remembrance of YOUR DIVINE NATURE AS A POWERFUL CREATOR.
This awareness, connection, and DEEP TRUTH create many life shifts, greater BALANCE, ABUNDANCE, SELF-LOVE, and EMPOWERMENT. A new relationship is formed with your multidimensional self as you amplify the LIGHT. Your full spectrum of light -
RAINBOW LIGHT BODY - is activated.
As your 'divine doula', we give birth to your
'QUANTUM QUINTESSENCE' (energetic conception). This living crystalline grid activates your New Earth templates, and from your personal YOUniverse, are crystallized into form.
RECALIBRATION, RESTORATION, and REGENESIS is our intention as we travel through a shared holographic field of imagination together. Feel activated, elevated, and liberated, ready to move forward with greater awareness and insight, inspired to . . .
shine your light!
"Choice is our greatest action into freedom" -- Jennifer Mattox
Let's Connect with Your Inner Child
Are you feeling a deep desire to be seen, heard, held, and understood? Are you feeling stuck, stagnant, or that you've hit rock bottom and just need a life change and upgrade?
Rainbow Regenesis begins with connecting with that part of you that perhaps you have been avoiding, preventing forward movement. Through the lens of the child within and the present moment listening with a compassionate loving heart, darkness dissolves.
Let your love for the childlike nature within you set you free. We'll invite your TRUE SELF by reconnecting to your Inner Child - the part of you that brings joy, fun, and play into your everyday. Together, we explore, reflect, and observe what's asking to be dissolved and let your inner child's LIGHT shine through.
Reconnect and remember your joy. Retrieve that innocent, confident, and expressive part of you that longs to be seen and heard. As this truth of you is integrated, more wholeness, balance, and HARMONY arise.
Your true passions and desires now have the space to rise to the surface. You discover more of what truly brings you joy, and you feel the freedom from all limitations to take inspired action toward new realities that make you deeply happy.
" . . . a gift well worth your willingness to allow yourself to step over the threshold of what was you, into a birthing of the sacred and sublime potential that lies dormant beneath the fodder of your outmoded identification . . . "
Let's Light up Your Rainbow Body
Do you feel frustrated that the vibration you want to be (and feel you already are) is not matching your external environment and the manifestation you desire? Are you feeling grief and emotional and physical dullness even though you feel connected to Spirit?
The 'bridge' within the Rainbow Regenesis experience that connects the inner child attuning to the rebirthing process is Rainbow Light Body activation. We are multidimensional beings having a human experience and the acknowledgment and acceptance of our shadow self reflect the TRUE SELF - that part of you that is your core truth unhindered by the negatively charged belief systems and structures that have seemed real when they are simply covering up the truth of your BEing.
The awareness of this truth expands into LIGHT and together we easily align and activate the energy centers from your EARTH STAR to SOUL STAR through the movement of energy and VIOLET FIRE breath. This lights up the full spectrum of color within your light body, the 'rainbow bridge' connection between the elemental and celestial realms.
Let's Birth a New You
Do you want to thrive with your spiritual gifts but don't know where to start? Do you feel as though it may never happen in this incarnation?
Attuning to your inner child and activating your rainbow light body prepares you for rainbow rebirth. The multi-colored, multi-faceted DIAMOND LIGHT within you represents your full potential ready to emerge. Within you is a multitude of untapped superpowers primed for full self-expression. Through TRANSMUTATION with your LOVE, FORGIVENESS, and INNERSTANDING, you reclaim your true REMEMBERANCE and restore the divine design of your mission, holding the frequency to live full-time in the fifth-dimension of New Earth.
The 5 keys to Rainbow Regenesis:
The emergence of this new energetic incarnation which is your TRUE SELF brings greater CLARITY, SIMPLICITY, BALANCE, WHOLENESS, and HARMONY. And of course, MORE LIGHT!
Welcome, Home.
".I accessed a deep dimension of my psyche, caressing what felt like angelic realms of grace and beauty, truly a life-enhancing experience for me."
Jennifer Mattox has spent years as a holistic oracle, assisting others to rewrite old programs and stories, and restore self-love through gentle guidance, love, support, and practical resolutions.
Years of acquired knowledge and skills have evolved into wisdom she now imparts to elevate and ascend those willing to expand into quantum consciousness. Deep transformation, inspiration, and joy for life, fun, and play is her daily desire for others to experience within their hearts and minds.
Jennifer is a graduate of the University of Florida with a Bachelor of Science and a Master's Degree in Metaphysics, an Ordained Minister, and is currently completing a Ph.D. in Metaphysical Parapsychology from the University of Sedona.
She has studied the field of metaphysics and esoteric intelligence for over 15 years and her philosophies and understandings have been put to great use in assisting those on their spiritual journey ready to embody higher love, express greater inner truth, and be set free from illusions of fear.
She has been a raw vegan for over 15 years, enjoys playing as a living foods chef, and loves to offer her food alchemy and nutritional expertise, and intuition to heal and balance physical, emotional, and spiritual states of being.
Jennifer finds great joy in the discovery of both the physical and emotional health of her clients, combining science and spirituality as an integrated approach to well-being. Yet, even greater joy comes through the balancing of the etheric bodies and the raising of conscious awareness through restorative physical and remote touch.
She is a reiki master, hypnotherapist, and certified Fairyoloigist. She has also expressed her artistry and passion for children’s health advocacy through children’s books and a feature film she wrote, directed, and co-produced, "All Jacked Up", encouraging teens to stand for their rights when it comes to food and their physical and emotional health.
Her core belief is gratitude is the ultimate gift to create a shift and love is the ultimate gift that exists. And that being in joy, fun & play every day is the way.
She lives on the garden island of Kauai, grateful to be surrounded by the beauty of nature and serenity.
Mahalo Kea Kua.
- ServicesHOW WE WORK TOGETHERWe connect with God, your "I AM Presence", and create sacred space as you are held in gentle love and care. We immerse in your parasympathetic nervous system and integrate violet fire breath as we dive deep into the quantum field of pure creation. We travel through color, light, and sound into the elemental and celestial realms and attune, activate, and birth you into the New Earth frequency of Divine Love and Freedom.Every session is unique, like you, and will organically flow into what is ready to be released, resolved, and dissolved. Each session can embrace different modalities and techniques, intuitive guidance, and channeling that result in a transformative life-changing experience.We'll connect via zoom in a relaxed, calm environment. You will be guided into a safe container where we energetically connect and journey into a world of wholeness and regenesis.Private One-on-One Sessions via Phone / Zoom (In-Person Kauai Only)
Balancing the Four Lower Bodies
From the sub-atomic cellular particles to the mitochondria, and telomeres, the physical body is best supported with the energetic cellular upgrade of Rainbow Regenesis through intention and attention to diet and external product use.
There may be channeled information offered that supports current shifts in diet and lifestyle to improve and support integration and transformation.
Thanks & Praise
What these Beautiful Beings had to say...
More Thanks & Praise
"I would recommend Jennifer to anyone who is interested in exploring deeper aspects of who they are and what might be possible in their lives. Because of the crazy, topsy-turvy times we live in, the work that Jennifer does is increasingly important as a way to support one's negotiating the quickly changing landscapes of our world." - Richard D.
"Unifying with the Source field of Jennifer is like an Elysium dream come true. This is a woman who quite literally twinkles with Starseed dust and faerie magic. What’s more, is that she is not only an adept in her craft but inherently a maverick catalyst for awakening that which already exists within you and is ready to shine full ON." - Eve Z.
"My sessions with Jennifer have been extremely profound and healing. She helped free me from the difficult situations of my heart so I could reach a balance and move forward with my own strength." - Michael P..
"Omg. My session with Jennifer was literally out of this world! During the session, I journeyed to the center of Gaia. . . I learned deeply about the fire element as well as the pervasiveness of the waters and how they work together. My mystical session with Jennifer, I recommend to EVERYONE!!! Your soul will love you for it!" - Katie 'Bird' S.
". . . My mystical session with Jennifer, I recommend to EVERYONE!!! Your soul will love you for it! . . ."
3 de enero de 2023The 13 Whales descended upon the cities, awakening all souls to be happy, free, and giddy. They came to remove all violence and fear, and announce to the world, 'the Golden Age is here'. The frequency of their sound traveled across the lands, and all beings gathered together holding...25 de diciembre de 2022Christ said, "I and the Father are One." Carl Jung gave us the term "Collective Unconscious" referring to the part of the mind that is made up of the memories and impulses that we are not aware. WE all carry these attitudes, behaviors and deep-seated beliefs within the ONE collective MIND. The...6 de noviembre de 2022It's a magical force, our words of fertility, To forever exist in the Akash of antiquity. Words of wisdom, words of grace, Words of truth create beautiful space. Our words create the world with every tone, They are mighty enough to be 'set in stone'. Unconscious words can fly out...Let's Connect
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Photos of Jennifer were created by the magic of Lisa Seed.