We are being called to enter into complete ATTUNEMENT with the root of the whole of life. There is a resonance Gaia is singing. If we listen, and cut through the cacophony of chaotic signal, there is a clear voice of truth. Harmonizing through the ethers, beckoning us to come into COHERENCE with the pure force of our Divine Mother.
She is our greatest lifeline just waiting to be heard and embraced. She is the key to our health and freedom if we listen to her song, connect with her roots, touch her with our bare feet, and hold the trees with our hands. She removes all shadow and propels us into the hands of GRACE, opening us to shakti energy and the gift of higher states of embodiment. She is the "Carrier of Codes" and our respect for her is of utmost importance now. Our care for her elicits her care for us. And, the beauty of this sacred reciprocity is the true key to our wholeness and freedom.
Extend your LOVE to her everyday in gratitude and feel the joy she brings into your heart. The Angels of water, sunshine and air want to saturate us in light to usher in a more light-hearted fun and playful life. Through this simplicity our senses are uplifted by the sheer Beauty that surrounds us. The Devic beings, the elementals and animal kingdom who are already operating in higher states of awareness, emanate the unconditional love and UNITY that is the intention of our evolution. We have the opportunity to embody our animal nature through their reflection and illuminate a deeper understanding of oneness and live in the purity of truth. Let's attune to her and receive the gift of life the way it's meant to be.
Be Love. Be Free.
It's What We Came Here To Be.